Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The first day!

Tomorrow is our first "official" day of home learning! We're not going to do much...just really ease into it all.  There's a spelling list and a writing prompt and do you remember the calendar I created with holidays for every day?

This week's spelling words:

  1. media
  2. medium
  3. immediate
  4. vibrant
  5. chisel
  6. chiseled
  7. pulse
  8. pulsate
  9. pulsation
  10. ecstasy
  11. temporary
  12. critical
  13. begrudge
  14. irritable
  15. magnificent
  16. contempt

Tomorrow's writing prompt is:
Electricity is a recent discovery.  Think of 12 things to do when there's no power.

Tomorrow's holidays are:
  1. National Heimlich Maneuver Day
  2. National Go Barefoot Day
  3. Say Something Nice Day
Obviously we're going barefoot all (or most of the) day.  On the learning side of things, we're going to learn about the man who created the Heimlich Maneuver and why he did it and for the barefoot day I thought it would be nice to see what different cultures didn't wear shoes...Aidan decided he wanted to learn about feet.  So we're going to learn about the wonders of feet!

Eventually I think I'll post our calendar so you can see all of our holidays and maybe come up with ideas we can use to learn about them!


  1. Oooooh! I love this! I think Alex and I should follow along with your teaching plan and learn too!!!!!!!

  2. I think that's a great idea!!! I would love to hear how it works for you guys and if you do anything differently.
