Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Never thought it would happen to me.

My friends decided to play "devil's advocate" today and proceed to tell me that I had no clue what I'm getting into and Little-A is going to be an unsocialized freak who will never be a functioning member of society....simply because I'm taking him out of school.  One of these friend's cited the few homeschooled kids he knew, as did another.  One friend said he had a background in teaching so he knew what he was talking about.

These friends are barely into their 20's and NONE of them have kids of their own. 

I listened to them in the beginning, because they are my friends.  I tried to have a conversation about it, to let them know that yes I do realize this is going to be difficult; yes I know my reasons for taking Little-A out of public school are primarily selfish; no, I never said either way of schooling is's just different; and damnit, NO...homeschooled kids are NOT unsocialized lepers!  And for the record, I have more teaching experience than the previous mentioned friend.  

They didn't listen.  They kept changing their words to say the same thing.  I told them to stop, that while I respected their opinions, this was my decision and I wasn't going to accept any negativity about it and that the conversation was over.  It didn't stop.   I left.  I hope that my son never hears cruel words like that because if he does, he'll never come around to the joy we can experience on this journey.

I'd like to say that those will be the last tears I shed over this matter, but I'm a lot more realistic then that.


  1. I'm not even sure this is going to let me comment, but here goes nothing...

    I am so sorry you had this run-in with these friends and that they felt the need to push it so far.

    I personally envy you. I would love to give Alex the chance to HS. PS is hard on him. He will NEVER thrive in that kind of environment and that saddens me.

    It sucks to say that I don't know your boys all that well. Certainly not as well as I'd like!!! But having said that, I know they are good kids with great bases. They are going to do just fine in life.

    I don't believe for a second that HS is going to have a negative effect on either of them. It CERTAINLY isn’t going to turn them into social outcasts!

    Aidan is so amazing. He is so bright, loving, happy, and just like his mother in all the very best ways. He is always gonna kick ass at school, no matter what form it comes in. I can see him going on to pursue his dreams with all the vigor possible.

    Devon is going to thrive in the freedom from the PS BS!!!!! I remember those years of my life. They sucked, school sucked. The pressure of it all is almost crushing. He will do well to be away from it. But just like you said, he is trying to figure out how to be an adult. I know there will be tough spots where his desire for independence and your job as mother to teach and steer him will collide. But that is going to happen regardless. That’s called the Teenage Years! ;)

    Love, do this. I have every faith in you and your abilities. I think your biggest hurdle will be sibling rivalry and the boys losing patience with each other. But you will deal with that regardless as that’s just part of being siblings!

    I will always be here for you. I will support you in this endeavor. And, if the three of you try it and decide it’s not right for you, they (or just one of them) can always go back to PS. Nothing is set in stone by you giving this a go.

    Hugs to you and your boys. They are going to see that learning can be fun and that they don’t have to be treated like cattle by the PS system. Less stress, more time to experience the WORLD!


  2. Jen,

    Thank you so much. It's friends like you that negates all the negativity in the world. I could sit here for years and try to explain how much I appreciate you (and Todd and Alex) but I would never come close.

    Without being stuck with PS attendance, we may be able to come down for a visit...I know they (and I) would love it. We may even be able to drag Victoria down with us :)

  3. <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happiness*

    That would be GRAND! :D

    (I am so excited for you guys! And Aidan is gonna make the best Vet EVER!!!!!!)
